
Culture Name



Identification. Before 1995, this pear-shaped island had a population of about ten thousand and was lush, green, mountainous, isolated, and unspoiled. There are three green-clad mountain ranges and the island is edged by largely black sand beaches. Much of the land is fertile with a healthy tropical climate.

Location and Geography. Montserrat, covering 39.5 square miles (63.7 square kilometers), is a British Crown colony between Nevis and Guadeloupe. Christopher Columbus gave this Caribbean island its name. On his second voyage, Columbus noticed that the island resembled the land around the Spanish abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrati.

Montserrat occupies a region of the earth's crust that is geologically unstable, with volcanic activity and earthquakes an ever present reality. Hurricanes and other natural disasters have long plagued this otherwise idyllic "Emerald Isle" of the Caribbean. Economic issues and ecological necessity remain persistent features of the national culture and values. Although many people are impressed with the individuality of the island, Montserrat is a country looking for a national identity.

Demography. Montserrat has for some time been considering independence from Great Britain. It has a unique blend of Anglo-Irish and African cultures and thus is an example of a fairly successful blend of two very different cultures and races. Until recently, national self-image was a hot topic as a result of extensive outmigration. After Hurricane Hugo in 1989, the population dropped from 11,500 to slightly less than 10,000 people. After 1995, volcanic eruptions halved that number.

Linguistic Affiliation. The official language is English, but a dialect is widely spoken on informal occasions. Monserratians tend to use standard English in formal contexts and creole English in informal contexts.

Symbolism. The national emblem is a carved Irish shamrock adorning Government House, and the island's flag and crest show a woman with a cross and harp. Other cultural survivals, such as a value systems, codes of etiquette, musical styles, and an Irish recipe for the national dish called "goat water" stew, are considerably more problematic as cultural legacies.

History and Ethnic Relations

Emergence of the Nation. Very little is known of the early history of Montserrat. The aboriginal population probably was made up of Arawak Indians who were killed off by Carib Indians by the time of Columbus's voyage in 1494. The Caribs left the island by the middle of the seventeenth century but continued to raid it. They named the island Alliouagana ("Land of the Prickly Bush"), perhaps after the aloe plant.

Montserrat is often referred to as "the Emerald Isle of the West" because the Irish figured prominently in its early history. Montserrat was first settled in 1632 by a British contingent from the mother colony of Saint Kitts. Although the original colonists were English and Irish, Montserrat quickly became a haven for Irish Catholics escaping from religious persecution. The Irish first came as indentured servants and later as slaves to work in the plantation system.

Later, Catholic refugees from Virginia came to escape from religious persecution. By 1648, there were one thousand Irish families on the island. The French occupied the country between 1644 and 1782 but ceded it to Britain in 1783.


In 1649, Cromwell sent political prisoners to Montserrat, increasing the population and helping to preserve its Irish character.

National Identity. Irish cultural retentions are largely symbolic. Some claim that modern-day Montserratians have an Irish brogue, but linguistic evidence is not conclusive. Irish names abound, and the phenotype of the inhabitants seems "lighter" than it is in other Afro-Caribbean countries. Most of the inhabitants appear to be of an African heritage.

The national emblem is a carved Irish shamrock adorning Government House, and the island's flag and crest show a woman with a cross and harp. Other cultural survivals, such as a value systems, codes of etiquette, musical styles, and an Irish recipe for the national dish called "goat water" stew, are considerably more problematic as cultural legacies.

Montserrat's luxuriant vegetation, emerald hills, and fern-covered ravines have given it a striking resemblance to Ireland, and its history has left ruins of the plantation period as well as colorful houses in the capital city of Plymouth. However, the contemporary culture is pan-Caribbean with a heavy overlay of African and Anglo-Irish elements.

Sugar and slaves eventually changed both the economy and the culture. In the seventeenth century, after tobacco production waned, Montserrat developed into a typical plantation colony. The date of the arrival of the first slaves (1651) corresponded roughly with the start of the sugar industry. Slaves quickly outnumbered Irish indentured servants, and eventually there were more blacks than whites.

By 1705, a planter class, based on slave labor and sugar, was fully established. The planter class attempted to control and coerce the blacks, leading to several rebellions, including the Saint Patrick's Day rebellion of 17 March 1768.

Sugar fortunes began to disappear toward the end of the eighteenth century. Earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, French raids, and the loss of slave labor after emancipation (1834) combined to end the "plantocracy." Cotton supported the economy until the 1960s, when tourism and an elaborate real estate construction scheme were instituted.

Montserrat has become an emigration society, with remittances being important sources of revenue. The recent volcanic eruptions have made Montserrat dependent on Britain for its survival.

Urbanism, Architecture, and the Use of Space

Some islanders are sensitive about the size of Montserrat. Its size of 30,000 acres, of which almost two-thirds are mountainous and barren, coupled with the recent economic and ecological crises, has created an "economics of scale." The industrial and commercial potential has been hampered by low population growth, mountainous terrain, poor air access, the high cost of energy, and a limited infrastructure. Choked by conditions of underdevelopment and poverty, nationalism is a sentiment held by a relatively small segment of the population. Lacking in this national self-image are emotionally charged symbols such as flag waving. Rather than chauvinistic political rhetoric, one is more likely to hear references to an unspoiled landscape, satisfaction with the customs and lifestyle, and sentiments of security derived from the safety of a home isolated from the rapidly changing world.

Food and Economy

Food in Daily Life. Native-grown breadfruit, mango, soursop, pawpaw, and cashews are regarded by some locals as less desirable food.

Basic Economy. Agriculture has not supported the population. To foster tourism, the government decided to avoid high-rise hotels and noisy nightclubs; instead, Montserrat was to be a model of "the way

A woman walks along a narrow street in the town of Plymouth.
A woman walks along a narrow street in the town of Plymouth.
the Caribbean used to be." In the 1960s, Montserrat embarked on a tourist venture called "residential tourism." In a country where 90 percent of the citizens are black, white North Americans and Europeans were encouraged to settle in a restricted part of the island as permanent or part-time residents. The result has been a concentration of prosperous white foreigners living in villas by the sea, with multiple servants and imported amenities.

Another economic factor was the establishment of an offshore medical school that catered to North Americans, mostly from the United States. Montserrat was a regional media center, broadcasting to the entire Antillean region. The most famous of the foreign studios, however, pulled out after the last hurricane.

Montserrat's agricultural history has been marked with repeated failures; the island has been plagued with charges of international banking frauds; and the trade deficit has been balanced only by overseas remittances and capital from foreign expatriates. When Hurricane Hugo struck in 1989, aid for reconstruction was provided by the United Kingdom.

Major Industries. The economy is based mainly on agriculture, real estate, building construction, tourism, and assembling industries. There is little manufacturing activity. There was, until the volcanic eruptions, an expanding tourist trade; and the island was beginning to build an integrated cotton industry (sea island cotton), although the island lacks the technology to handle large volumes of cotton. The off-shore medical school had to move to another island after the recent natural disaster.

Trade. The government had plans of reviving farming, creating a tourist industry, and supporting a real estate-and-home-construction scheme; but Montserrat has been for many years marginal in relation to overseas markets, compounded by a series of natural disasters to the island.

Social Stratification

Classes and Castes. The pattern of social stratification that emerged after the slavery period remains relatively unaltered. Lower classes predominate in this society.

The upper class includes resident owners and managers of the larger estates, expatriate colonial officials, professionals, religious leaders, bank managers, and larger merchants. Most are white or light-skinned. There are no poor whites. The upper classes generally live and work in the capital city of Plymouth, speak English, and adhere to legal forms

A fisherman untangles his net from his boat on the beach at Carr's Bay.
A fisherman untangles his net from his boat on the beach at Carr's Bay.
of marriage and a nuclear form of the family. They belong to the Anglican, Methodist, and Roman Catholic denominations.

The middle class consists of salaried employees or civil servants who work for the post office, hospitals, courts, or the police department. This is the class that aims for secondary schooling. With increased educational opportunities, there is a growing middle class, which tends to use "standard" English in formal contexts, and creole English in others. Many of these households employ at least one domestic servant. Mostly Anglican, Methodist, or Roman Catholic, this is the class most anxious about appropriate behavior. There is an emerging professional class.

The lower classes are primarily black and are characterized by sporadic employment, with many people dependent on remittances. Virtually all live outside Plymouth. Migration was predominantly a lower-class phenomenon before the 1995 evacuations. Most of the members of this class follow Pentecostal faiths. Relationship patterns perhaps represent the greatest institutional variation between classes.

Political Life

Government. Representative government was introduced in 1936; Montserrat got a new constitution in 1952, and Britain introduced a bicameral system of government in 1960. Virtually all effective political power has been in the hands of the few who control production (the monopoly of the wealthy). Montserrat has elected to remain a colony, although some have argued for a discontinuation of colonial status. There is almost total dependence on Great Britain.

Leadership and Political Officials. Montserrat has a representative government with a ministerial system, practicing parliamentary democracy rooted in the Westminster model. The head of state is represented by a governor, who exercises executive authority. Britain is still responsible for the island's external affairs, defense, and law and order, although Montserrat has a fairly autonomous local government. The chief minister is John Osborne, who has always favored independence for the country. The recent natural disasters effectively put this question to rest for now.

Social Problems and Control. A nation of emigration, with severe loss of population, Montserrat has choking conditions of underdevelopment, poverty, unemployment, declining productivity of abused space, unavailable markets, land problems, and insecure subsistence production, as well as fear, suspicion, and mistrust, especially since the natural disasters of Hugo and the volcanic eruptions. It is a nation suffering from a colonial past, a Caribbean laboratory with "infinitely limited alternatives." There have been various schemes proposed to eliminate some of the social problems, but to date all have failed, e.g., the geothermal project that did not take into account popular superstition about disturbing the dormant volcanoes. The present socioeconomic crises cannot be separated from the recent natural disasters. Great Britain has had to bail out the Montserratians once more.

Nongovernmental Organizations and Other Associations

In a typical parish, there might be three rum shops, four small provision shops, a sub-post office, the Methodist church and smaller Holiness church, and a school. However, Rotary and Jaycees are both active on the island. Montserrat has a theater with plays that address Caribbean issues and at least two dance groups. Choral music groups and sports are also popular.

Gender Roles and Statuses

Gender roles vary by class, with more rigidity in the lower strata. Homosexuality is feared. Marriage is valued, being associated with socioeconomic standing and as a demonstration of ambition and the attainment of social adulthood.

Marriage, Family, and Kinship

Marriage. Once a proposed marriage union is recognized, the couple are referred to as being "friendly" or as being "sweethearts." The migration of either party in such a union is regarded as terminating that union. Most lower-class Montserratians eventually legally marry, because marriage is associated with a higher socioeconomic standing. Legal divorce is fairly rare.

Domestic Unit. The major domestic unit is the household, which encompasses kinship, mating, land tenure, and inheritance. Migration has caused some unique problems for maintenance of the domestic unit in Montserrat.

Inheritance. About half the children born are technically illegitimate, but no stigma is attached to this fact. All children are entitled to an equal share of the parents' fixed property regardless of birth order or sex.

Kin Groups. Standard English kin terms apply in Montserrat, except for "niece" and "nephew," which are rarely used. Children are typically given the name of their genitors regardless of the type of mating arrangement.


Child Rearing and Education. Children are cared for within the domestic unit of family, which tends to be matrifocal. Children are given the name of their genitor. Pre-primary education is provided in nursery schools for 3-5 year-olds, while primary education for children of 7-11 years is provided in 15 primary schools. Religion has had a strong influence on education. Anglicans and Methodists broadened the base, and Quakers also played a vital role in education. Education, however, tended to render the educated unfit for life on the island.

Higher Education. Secondary education is fairly well developed throughout the island, but access to tertiary education is only through a school of continuing education sponsored by the University the West Indies.

Water cascades over the yellow rocks and soil of the Galway Soufriere volcanic vent. Montserrat depends on Britian for its survival, due to recent volcanic eruptions.
Water cascades over the yellow rocks and soil of the Galway Soufriere volcanic vent. Montserrat depends on Britian for its survival, due to recent volcanic eruptions.


Religious Beliefs. Protestant sects have multiplied in recent times. Catholics were a strong religious group in the 1800s, but today the largest religious denomination is Anglican Protestant. The first church, built by Governor Anthony Brisket, was probably Anglican. Pentecostal churches are growing.

Medicine and Health Care

Medical services are reasonably adequate on the island, with a number of private medical practitioners available as well as doctors in the government health service. Health centers are scattered throughout the island. Free medical attention and medication are provided for children and the aged.

Secular Celebrations

Saint Patrick's Day, March 17, is celebrated with feasts and festivities by the island's Irish inhabitants, and local scholars made it a national day on which to celebrate the freedom fighters of the abortive 1768 slave uprising. August 1 is Emancipation Day, and August Monday a national holiday, with picnics, bazaars, and dances. Many parishes have village days, beauty contests, and Calypso contests.

The Arts and Humanities

The arts and humanities are largely confined to folk representations. The trappings of black power, Afro clothing, and plaited hair have appeared and disappeared. However, there has been a new appreciation of self and a search for national identity. The new consciousness has found expression in research into local folk music, folktales, proverbs, riddles, and dialects. There has been an attempt to recognize and reconcile the African contributions to Montserrat's cultural mosaic.


Berleant-Schiller, R. "Montserrat." World Bibliographical Series 134, 1991.

Fergus, H. A. "Montserrat: Paradise or Prison." Bulletin of Eastern Caribbean Affairs 12 (1): 1–10, 1986.

——. History of Alliouaguana: A Short History of Montserrat , 1975.

Fitzgerald, T. K., and H. A. Fergus, H. A. "National Self-Image on A Caribbean Island: Montserrat, W. I." Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies 22 (2): 56–67, 1997.

Fitzgerald, T. K. Metaphors of Identity: A Culture-Communication Dialoque , 1993.

Irish, J. A. G. Life in a Colonial Crucible: Labor and Social Change in Montserrat 1946–Present , 1991.

Kurlansky, M. A Continent of Islands: Seraching for the Caribbean Destiny , 1992.

Messenger, J. C. "Montserrat: 'The Most Distinctively Irish Settlement in the New World."' Ethnicity 2: 281–303, 1975.

Philpott, S. B. West Indian Migration: The Montserrat Case , 1973.

Schlesinger, P. Media, State and Nation: Political Violence and Collective Identities , 1991.

Smith, A. D. National Identity: Ethnonationalism in Comparative Perspective , 1991.

Williams, A. R. "Under the Volcano: Montserrat." National Geographic 192 (1): 58–75, 1997.


Also read article about Montserrat from Wikipedia

User Contributions:

i find this information very good, but could you tell me how the island was formed please it is for my geography homework.
Owen Dyer
I want quite taken by your knowledge of the heritage and history monserrat.I was born on the Island of Monserrat in the village noted as Diers. Your first hand knowledge has enlighten my family tree. You have brought value to my belove country.My e-mail address is or

Joseph Dyer
The information was very informative and helpful; at the moment I am putting together the Dyer’s family tree, from Montserrat and would like to know who were the first Dyer’s to settle on the Island, were did they come from, and did they have a Coat of Arms & Family Crests, and or any other information about the Dyer’s

Kind regards

Joseph Dyer
linka dyer
well i am pleasantly suprised... this information was indeed helpful but i am also shocked that other Dyer's are researching here also... maybe we can share information - my grandparents were from monsterrat as well.
sue roe
I'm trying to research my mother's family history. She was born on Montserrat where her father , Charles Branch-Evans was a clergyman. His father was also a clergyman on Montserrat. Family story has it that he died there during a hurricane. My aunt aged 93 remembers living there as a child.
Can anyone help?
This answered every question I had for some EXTENSIVE homework having to do with the carribean ( since i am from the US, this is foreign to me...). Kudos. You have great info.
shenyis allen
hi i just decided 1 day to look up the history of my father's country while browsing the net. this information was really useful it was clear and well put together. i had no idea about the history of where my father grew up. i am thinking of 1 day visiting the country in the near future. thank you very much very enlightening. shenyis
Marjorie Rivers
This is indeed veryinformative. It has helped me to do an outstanding presentation at the college (St. John:s College) which I attend. I would like if you could add though some Montserrat Creole sentences and the meaning in English and some single words and meaning. (Think about it) maybe travellers may even try to learn some beforethey arrive.

If you do this it would help many more students when doing research about your homeland.

Thanks for the information. It was great!!!!!!

lawrence buntin
my family name is buntin if any buntins come to this message board leave me a name is lawrence buntin my famliy is very big...nice work on my belove country's history.. two thums up....pease..and this is how creole sounds am going to say in english am going to go to the shop to buy some bread.....and in creole english it sounds like this.....ME A-GO-GO DEAR D SHAP FU BUY SUM BRED....let me know what you people think.. jah bless.. one!
Bernadine Murrain
I am researching my family's geneaogy. My father's name is James Murrain (Johnnie Walker) from Harris, Montserrat who married Margaret (Miss Mary) Baker from the North. If you have any information about other connections/relations please email me at: I am compiling a family tree.
anderson dyer
it's good to know so many dyer's are out there researching there family history. i left the island in 1997 and only know back to my nan. her names jane dyer. i would like to know the history of the family before that if anyone got any info
sarah lee
hi im looking for any family members with the surname lee my grandmother is pracilla lee she lived in plymouth my dad was born in wapping his name was william henry lee if anyone has any information please contact me thank you
Chris Allen
Greetings all. My mothers name is Rose Aleen she is from Geralds St Johns and her maiden name was Tuitt my fathers name is William Allen and is from Salem. I am hoping to start a family tree soon if any one can help fill in the gaps I would be grateful. I know my grandfathers name was Thomas Tuitt and my grandmothers name was Jane Anne Farrell. I look forward to hearing from anyone with any information. Thank you in advance bye for now.
My mother is a Buntin from Salem. I lived on the island off and on for parts of my childhood. I attended Maple Leaf School in town(Plymouth) I am trying to research my family history. My grandmother was a Greaves.
I really enjoyed this site. It brings back a lot of memories of growing up in Salem. As I said before, I am a Buntin from Salem.I do not know any other Buntins. My grandmother was a Greaves.Her mother's name was Isles.I think they came to Montserrat from Barbados.I was married to a Lewis from George Street for awhile in the early '80s. My family is having a reunion cruise this summer. There will be a lot of Montserration relatives there. The names include: West, Daly,Pond,Ambrose,Greaves,to name a few. My email adress is contact me if you know any thing about these any of these last names.
this article was very informative. I am beginning my research on my family history. What I do know is that my grandfather Samuel West was from this country and left at some point and went to Cuba met my father's mom Theresa and had three children with her Ilene, John and Ronald. I am not sure if he left Cuba and went back home or stayed in Cuba, but my father and siblings moved to Jamaica where Theresa was from and he was never heard from again. I would love to know more. I anyone know any West please contact me.

Again, thanks this has been a great starting point because you really dont hear much about this place. I would love to visit one day.
I am of Montserration descent as well. This web site helped e find a whole bunch of relatives. I am not a West, but I have several cousins who are.
Hi i am researching where my family name comes from and as i have discovered there are a lot of people called Tuitt on montserrat, I am wondering when the use of the name came about and where did it originate from, because the only Tuitt's i know of is my family and we are from england and are white, When i was growing up it was always classed as a very rare and different name, So i am very glad to find more Tuitt's and very interested in learning any new information,
thank you for taking the time to read this
This is was a great article, well written and informative! I am lucky enough to live in Montserrat! I would suggest anyone trying to find family information also check out Facebook- Island of Montserrat. The Tourism Board runs it, and has lot of island info and lots of people who check it regularly! Or better yet, just come visit! One afternoon in a rum shop and I am sure you will find family or at least find someone to point you in the right direction. :) Just to give a few contacts to recent posts... I use to live in Joseph Greaves house in Flemmings, Salem. He pasted away a few years ago and his son lives in Canada. Kevin West is on-island and is well known for his amazing photography, esp. of the volcano. The Chalmers are a really nice family who run BBC a local store. Yes, there are a lot of Tuitt's around, one being one of my good friends Charles who is a fisherman. Please... come check out Montserrat for yourselves, it is worth the trip! Good luck finding family info!
Enjoyed reading your article. very informative and accurate. Looking forward to the updated version. Well done.
I must say this is a great piece of work.Montsterrat is an amasing place and some day i will come to see you
Hi everyone, i found this site by accident but it was soo cool to read more about my familys island. I've only been to monsterrat once, i was there when the volcano started in 1995, it was such a beautiful island. All i know about my family in Montserrat is that my nans name was Mary Ryan also know as Sue before she married my grandad Charles/Martin Lee. Im not sure whare my grandad lived but when I stayed with my nan in 1995 she lived in Salem. My nan came to the UK in the late 50's early 60s then went back to montserrat in the 80's. Shes now here, im not sure when my grandad came here. If anyone on here thinks they might be realted to me please contact me on
Jermain Taylor
I am researching my family's genealogy.My grandfather's name was Donald Elbry Taylor he lived in Montserrat and left to the island of Curacao,i believe in the early 40's.If anyone has any information about other connections and relations please contact me at
Hi I'm trying to research my family, my grandad was called tucker victoria Robinson(greah)i think he moved to the UK in the 50's. my grandmother was called ms dorrset, i think she moved to the uk in the late 50' early 60's, i think they were from plymouth.i would be greatful if any one with info to email me on as im trying to find my roots as no body in the uk has any info and both of my grandparents are dead. and now i need to teach my children about our heratige. thanks to any body who can help me.

regards Daniel
Hi everyone, I was having a conversation with my dad about our history, and found out that my grandfather's family or at least part of his family was originally from Montserrat, before relocating to the United States. My grandfather's name was Patrick White, but the family name before then was O'Garrow. I may have spelled that wrong, not so sure of it. Anyway, my grandfathers family also supposedly owned land near where the Volcano erupted. Shame about that. I would have loved to see it. If anyone has info about the O'Garrow's or even the White family, due share it. Thanks in advance :)
My grandfathers from the island - last name Molyneaux. Please email me any info i'd be extremely grateful. Thank you
hi good day to all my name is Abigale Maynard - Titley my mother and her nine other siblings were born in montserrat and grew up in a village called gages. my mother's name is Adella Irish, her father's name is Daniel Irish and i believe that her mother's name was Henrietta or Nelly Irish can you please send me any information about my mothers history you can E-Mail me.
Hi lawrence, I am a Buntin From St. Kitts My Family are the only ones, My grandmothers father was a Buntin, but i think he was born in St. Kitts, but have roots in Montserrat. I also knoe that he was family to the shields as well. need help making connection, my greatgrand father was born around 1888 but move NY before my Gandmother ws born in 1912. never heard of him again much, otherthan in the 1940 my grandmothe was told by some one returning to st kitts that te saw him in NY after that no trace of him, his name was Ernest Buntin, hope you can help
Hello to everyone,
the above indeed is first class information my sincere gratitude to the author which I am sure is shared by all,for those of you trying to trace your family tree it is worth considering that
although you might be Lee/Tuitt/Bunting/Allen/Davis/Brade myself,
your tree might very well have stated with another name as I am finding out.

Regards with love for you all
i was born in monserrt in the village called woodlands. but went to another country to resided becuz of family problems. but would loe to come back to my country but do not know any one at present.
I lived on Montserrat right before hurricane hugo and went to the public school near woodlands. Montserrat is the most beautiful place I have ever lived. I would go back in a heartbeat!
My name is Pamela Bassett but my maiden name is Riley. I am one of eight siblings and we are all descendants of two large families from Montserrat, the Boatswains and the Rileys, from our father's side.

Our father was Samuel Douglas Riley. His parents, our paternal grandmother was Ellen (Helen) Boatswain and our paternal grandfather was John Douglas Riley.

Ellen Boatswain's father was Samuel Boatswain and her mother was Katie Meade. Samuel Boatswain's parents were Patrick and Sita Boatswain.

John Riley's father was Nicholas Riley and his mother was Louisa Willock. John also had a twin brother whose name we do not know.

We also have a connection to the West family, as one of Samuel Boatswain's brothers, Timothy Boatswain had a daughter by the name of Esther, who married a George Henry West.

We are also very connected to the Meade, Dyer, O'Garro and Dungee families via marriages within the Boatswain family line. We are still trying to find information on Patrick and Sita, especially her maiden name and also on John Douglas Riley's twin brother.

We have put together extensive family trees at a couple of websites.

Please feel free to contact me at the email address displayed here if you have information regarding anyone in the family line and I will add that information and share the trees with you. We are not allowed to post the website links here.

Let's keep up the research! This is fun!!

Pamela Alicia Riley Bassett-Carmalt.

Hello to all whom have found this site fascinating as I did. And to those who are still in search of information to lend towards the development of a family tree, I wish you the best of luck. This synopsis of Montserrat’s history contains very interesting accounts; some I have to admit is relatively new to me. However, I would like to know more about the Murrain family, primarily at the point where African slaves were introduced to the island. My maternal grandfather was Murrain; however, it was the name inherited from his forefathers through slavery. That history is apparently lost to most and I would love to experience some account of it. If there is any Murrain or anyone out there with information to share, please contact me at my email address. I am presently residing in the wonderful Hawaiian Island of Oahu. Much peace and love to all.
I came upon this website. I am researching the Hussey family. My greatgrandmother grew up in Montserrat. Her name was Annie Hussey. She left Montserrat to go to Trinidad. She had a sister named Susan or Suzanne. I don;t know much more,only that she was born in 1861. Anyone who is a relative and/or knows someone by that name please contact me through the email provided.
Philip Brade
Hi Sharon please forgive the sketchiness of my information,as a child in Montserrat I could remember a Hussey family living in Friths the name nana or mama Hussey come to mind there might be a tina also,
I am sure my mother and my uncles would know a deal more of this family as they were living quite close you are welcome to contact me and I will see what I could find out for you .
Hello to Philip Brade. I am so happy that you responded to this email so quickly. I would be happy if you could help me get on to the Hussey family that you know about. My email address is Hoping to hear from you soon
Charles dowdye
I found this site quite by chance my name is charles dowdye the name
Dowdye is from montserraat on my fathers side his name was John dowdye
My mother is Sarah Elizabeth Martin who lived in grandstand her mother
And father wiiam and Catherine Martin lived in st Patrick's. Catherine had a brother
And sister Richard Martin and Mary (caty)

My father John had a brother called boxie and 2 sisters. I am trying to
Put together my family tree but it is painstaking
If anyone has information on the martins. Dowdye. Or anyone who lived
At trials please contact
This is a good quick overview of Montserrat. I do question the section called The Arts and Humanities. I just returned from a trip to Montserrat and met many top-notch writers and artists. Anyone interested in learned more about the scene there could check out the annual Alliouagana festival and the work of Dr. Fergus collecting and publishing the work of Caribbean writers, including many from Montserrat.
I'm also looking for my family tree as well my father dad name is Ryan but his mother last name is Bryan if u share those last name hit me up on my email

I wondered if anyone could give me any information about the Mulcare family, my father Jonathon was born in Harris (I believe) in Montserrat in 1935.
montserrat was & is a beautiful island come and viste our island
Liam Bradshaw

Just wondering if anyone has information on the
Parson or parsons family, my grandmothers maiden
Name would have be laurancena parson and her fathers
Was Samuel, I think they lived in Harris Area
Hello Everyone,
It's a real pleasure seeing folks trying to reconnect. Montserrat has always had a larger community abroad than at home and we really have to stay connected. Thanks to whoever created this site.
I would like to find out more information about my grandfather's first wife. Her name was Ann Weldon Trott and we know little about her. My grandfather, John Henry Jeffers preserved her name by adding Weldon to his first son's name. I would also like to learn more about my great grandparents, William C Jeffers and Elizabeth Allen. I believe the Allens were from Davy Hill and William Jeffers was from Zion Hill in the North. Please feel free to email me at Blessings, J
Beresford Roberts

My mother came to London England as a teenager and first settled and lived in Notting Hill, Shepherds Bush and finally Fulham.

I hope this helps

Mary Tuitt
Hi Chris Allen,
My name is Mary Tuitt I currently live in Georgia but I am From Montserrat. I also share the same Grandmother and Grandfather Jane Ann Farrell married to Thomas Tuitt. Thomas is origanally from Bakers Hill (Codgoe Head). Thomas and Janie as she was called together had 16 children but my grandfather had two or three children before marriage, aunt Rosalyn was one of them and I knew her very well. If we are talking about the same people then we are closely related. My mother's name is Mono Tuitt. I hope this info would be of some help and I also forwarded this message to my brother whos much better than me at recognizing family.
Leroy Allan Martin, Sr. (Rocky)
Interesting site. I was born in 1952, and went to Wesley (Elementary) School. A whole bunch of O'Garro boys were there too. I have forgotten most of the names. I do remember there was a David, a William, and a Philip. You didn't mess with the O'Garro boys. There were too many of them and they were only to happy to fight if anyone did anything to any of them. Philip appeared to be the exception though. He was easy. There was also an older O'Garro brother that must have gone through the school before me, because I remember him as an adult and I think he was the eldest. Never learned his real name. He went by the name "Apache". Big guy, but more likely to break up a fight than start one.
Also at Wesley school at the time was an Evelyn Buntin (Bunting?). She lived on Waterlane. She had the smoothest dark skin, and was always disappointed when she didn't get sent to the school dentist.
I grew up in Plymouth (Town Hill). My father is Leonard Aubrey Martin (Babbabs). His father was Ray Martin. I don't know how I might be connected to the Martins from Trials or St. Patricks. It would be good to find out if I am.
Blessed Be fellow Montserratians. I am also doing a family tree. I have Daly, Daley, Weekes, Silcott, and Kirnon's as immediate family members but I do have Greenaway, Lee, West, Botswain, Fergus, Allen, and Fenton on my tree. The saying goes we are all cousins anyway. I am looking for information particularly on Sarah Joseph, Joseph John Daley, or the Sena's. Please contact me if you need any info as well and I will see what I can do.
Diana West Thompson
I join you Montserratians researching your roots. My grandparents were born there and I have been working on a family tree for a while. The surnames West, Boatswain, Daly, Roach, French and Williams figure prominently on my tree as do the areas of Plymouth, St Patricks, Bethel and Farms. If these names are familiar to you, please contact me by clicking on my name above. Hi Pamela, Eli...keep on searching!
Hi Diana! Still searching for the Willock link! If anyone here knows of a Louisa Willock married to Nicholas Riley, both of Montserrat please contact me.
My son is doing a project on Montserrat. He is trying to find some traditional dessert recipes.
Richard SHiell
To Charles Dowdye,
I have done considerable research on the old Shiell family of Montserrat. There were very influential in the early part of the 19th century and have left a few decendents on the island but many more have migrated away to the UK, USA, CAnada and Australia.
There are many variations on the spelling of the name and I have some interesting stories about a Mrs Dowdy in 1823 who felt that she was defrauded of her land and slaves. It had interesting consequences and Mathew Dowdy Shiell, a mullato Methodist lay-preacher and store-keeper may have be decended from one of her slaves. His son Matthew Phipps Shiell -1865-1947- (the "King of Redonda") lived all his adult life in Britain and was a prolific writer of adventure stories . Contact me for more details on
I Am also a Decendent of Montserrat. I am currently looking for my family line which is Boatswain, Ryan, and Duberry. I'm glad to know that we are still out there, if you are apart of this family blood please contact me. I also know alot of Buntins as well. George Buntin, was actually my Grandmothers Husband.
Michael J. Farrell
My name is Michael J. Farrell, I am a Descendent of Montserrat Island, I was born to Joseph and Sarah Farrell on December 12 1938. I am looking for any live relatives still living on the Island. I have lived in the USA since the early 70's. I am trying to reunite with my relatives. Please contact me at this Email address above.

M J. Farrell
Mona O'Garro
Hi! My name is Mona O'Garro , my husband family are descendent of Montserrat. I'll be visiting this year in Dec for the first time and is do excited to see the country where my husband and his family was born.
I am looking for my family also my grandmother name was Mary Meade better known as Minnie she was born December 27 1912, she has a brother not sure of his name. My grandfather was William Robinson or they call him Sally picney Willie or Alton. My grandfather had a brother they call him Moses. My dad was born there with two other brothers my dad name is William Nathaniel Richard Robinson they call him John he was born September 3 1936. His brothers name is Daniel Robinson who lives in England we heard. My dad youngest brother died a few years ago and his name was Arthur Robinson. I was told that my grandparents was from Farms and Harries. My dad is not to 100% he said he can remember his dad would take him to see a man called King or Dadda. When I was very young like five years old my grandfather came to my parents home in Antigua and he was ridding a donkey he was light skin, very tall slim and very nice hair. My dad also remember a lady they would take him to see was Anna or Nanna in Brade he is not sure if she was his aunt or godmother. I would be very happy if anyone could please help me find out any information on my family.
I am currently tracing my family tree and am extremely surprised to find that my grandfather eight times removed was born at The Farm st Georges Montserrat in about 1680. His name was George Lomas and He married a Edith Palfreyman from Tideswell Derbyshire England and they had nine children. It appears that during there life numerous journeys took place between Montserrat and England as some children were born in either place. Is it possible to find out anything about there lives, status and work. I am assuming because of the apparent frequent travelling that they were not poor. Any information would be very gratefully received back here in Derbyshire England. Thankyou.
Hi my grandmother is from Montserrat her surname is Ryan. My great grandmother is called Catherine (cash). I wondered if there are any Ryan's here. My grandmother and her mom now live in England. I just wondered if there are any Ryan's in Montserrat. Also I'm looking for my grandad side of the family. All I know is that his name is Thomas Allen not if he is from Montserrat or Antigua. He also lives here in England. I'm more interested in finding info on him as my mom has never met her dad we don't know much.
P.S this article and comments are very interesting.
Hi my mother and father are from Montserrat. My Mother is Ernestine Browne and my father is Ronald Allen(Deceased). I have so many family members I would love to find. My uncle was the late chief minister John Osbourne and he had children I never met. Not to mention all my family who left to England. I want to know more about my Irish relatives. On you tube you can find my grandfather and grandmother Mr. and Mrs. Allen from 1976 who owned the local post office. The documentary is called The Black Irish of Montserrat - Irish accents in the Caribbean. I think this article is great and hopefully more folks will find out about this page.
This information is well researched and very informative. I am trying to follow the roots of the Fergus Family which moved down the caribbean to S.t.Vincent and as far as Trinidad. please email me if you have any information that is helpful
Brenda Beach Nickelson
I am researching my family from Montserrat. My grandfather is John Beach, who was born on Montserrat around 1880. John and his brother Thomas moved to NY in the early 1900's. I believe their mother was Belle Lee. I have heard that we are related to the Allens, Dyers, Ryans. Any info you may haave on my family, please email me
Sonia Moore
Hi everyone! My name Is Sonia Moore I live in America. My parents are James Tuitt and Elvira Ogarro born and raised in Monserratt.My parents live in England and have five children. My father has a brother in England named David Allen and a sister Sarah Allen of Monserratt.My fathers mother was Sarah Allen.Also when my mother was a girl she was known as Tanny. If anyone knows my family please contact me. My parents gave me a wonderful up bringing and would like to hear from anyone who may know or remenber them. God bless.
Jeannette White nee wyke
Fhi seems to be a knowledgeable, helpful.knowledgeable site. Can you help me find my roots? My father, Joseph Wyke had about 10 brothers and sisters. He had a nephew name Thomas Isles. I know nothing more of my Paternal family. There was also a Dr. David Wyke who lived in Trinidad whose wife was Marguerite . She was white, both now deceased.
Angi Ross
Great reading. I am researching the name 'ANDREWS' my 3rd grandfather William Lancelot Andrews, from Plymouth, left for Liverpool in the late 1880's. His father was John Taitt Andrews. I would love to know where they originated from. I have no information of his birth other than it was either 1858 or 1868. He was a merchant seaman when he married in 1889 in Liverpool.
The name Taitt is, I think, a mothers maiden name.
Is there anyone else researching the name Andrews or Taitt, Tait? What sort of records are available ?
Kind regards
Hello, i found this page after a conversation with my cousin,i found out both my great great grandmothers were from Montserrat , My great great grandmother on my Mothers side her name was Catherine meade she left the Island and migrated to Trinidad,if anyone has any info please feel free to contact me at .Thanks in advance...
Thank you for the information on Monsterrat. My mother is from Plymoth. I am looking for information on the Weekes family or the Piper family. Any information would be helpful. My grandmother name was Mary Weekes. My grandfather was Tom Piper a teacher
Kathleen Saich
Will be coming to montserrat for a week in march and looking for any information on Desmond Allen / Skerritt/. Skerries. Connection with or married to Maltese girl in 70s had one daughter. They split and she took the girl back to live in Malta. She would like to know if anyone remembers her family.
Sylvester Wade
I moved to Montserrat in 1960 to live with my aunt and grandmother in Water Lane, Plymiouth. I returned to the UK in 1967 and since then have on a number of occasions returned. It was unfortunate, that the last time I had visited the island was in August 1995 about 3 weeks after the volcano had begun to wake. I was, at the time, serving in one of Britain's armed forces and had moved to the island to help those who were left - for a few weeks.
My father and mother had returned to the island about 5 years previously and after the eruption returned to the UK.
I have travelled and lived in many parts of the world; but Montserrat will always have a very special place in my heart.
I hope you all find success in your searches.
I was born in Boston in 1993 my mom and dad are from Montserrat. My last name is Herbert and my moms maiden name is Williams. My grandmother still lives on the island. Her name is Petty Herbert, my grandfather on my fathers side last name is Thompson.
Good reading on the history of montserrat and family names.Lorenzo Herbert i am intrested in Petty Herbert as my father Thomas Herbert was born in this island. contact me
Valerie Semper
I would love to try and find my family tree. I have not been able too before, so hoping this might be my time to start. My Dad's family name on his dad side is
"SEMPER" and on his mother's side is Dowdy. His dad's full name is Thomas Semper who at one point lived in America an who had lots of kids with different
women, with my dad's mother he four sons - William, Wilbert, Avon an Jimmy. William an Jimmy stayed in Montserrat, Jimmy had one son named JOHN Dowdy
Jimmy took his mother's name the rest Semper. We related too the Ryan's, White's. My dad's name is Avon Semper an we live in England London, would love to hear
from any body who can help get this tree started. Also would love to state that i've been to Montserrat on many occasions and it is truly a beautiful Island an the people
lovely. Bye for now Valerie.
Noella Dowdye
My name is an adopted name from John Dowdye akka John Punkin. My mothers name is Sarah Elizabeth Dowdye formally a Meade/Martin from Granstan. Her brother John Hub Meade had a rum shop there. She also had brothers Daniel and Thomas my favourite uncle who died young. My bothers are Charles Gary and George. My sisters are Melvina who I was raised with by my dear grandmother Catherine Martin who moved to America is is now deceased. My other sisters are Annella Mary and Meana Dowdye who lives in Plumstead. I have fond memories. MMontserrat was a great place for growing up and I have great memories. A great deal of the names mentioned rings a bell. However coming to the UK aged 11 and not returning until my father Charles Jarvis died a few years ago a lot of information is lost. In fact I would be happy if anyone have any information they can share regarding my family. My name is Noella Dowdye akka Sofie Lion!! Born to Charlie Jarvis and Sarah Dowdye.
Noella Dowdye
This site should be more widely publicised. It was an accident that I found it. I grew up in Montserrat which was absolutely beautiful. Children could go to school alone freely and play and walk freely around the island without fear. I remember walking to school from St patricks to Plymouth. I used to walk where I could along the beach and where the beach became dangerous would return to the roads and would walk back home the same way. I remember the nuns used to cook what we called weeble soup and me and my sister used to get bread and cake from the bakery. My favourite was coconut tart a d rough-up and hot french stick. I remember the huge bridge with the sea underneath just before you enter Plymouth. I remember the lush mountain foliage with clear running spring water, where bananas and dasheen grew wild, it was like a garden of Eden with mango trees coconut trees bread fruit trees avocado trees I can go on forever naming all the vegetarian God provided for that tiny little island. Our family was very tight and because of shortage of work and excitement on the island people started to go to neighbouring islands. America and the UK. My aunt Lucie Meade went to live in St. Croix and settle in New Jersey. My mum came to Britain married and her andhher husband sent for me and my sister years later. We stay with our grandmother , which at the time was the done thing. I am sure that there a numerous montserratians who could relate to this. Another thing is that most of islanders are relatef in one way or another. There was a shortage of men and families were matriarchal. So all you people who have next of kin from Montserrat make sure you ask questions . The questions should be are we first cousins or cousins removed?
Leah Nathaniel
Hi there, my name is Leah Nathaniel and my fathers family where from Montserrat but I never got to know them because my father passed away when I was a baby. The problem is whenever I talk to other families from Montserrat they don't recognize Nathaniel as a Montserratian surname, so I just want to know if it does originate from Montserrat. Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind regards
My email address:
First time I heard this country name. Wonderful culture and place. I want to know insider culture and living being and thinking and doing. This all of things I want to know from monster rattan.
Wesley meade
Hi read article 72 I'm looking for some long lost family members who grew up in monserrat my gran was from St Patrick who's name was Sarah Farrell. She then moved to England in 50s with William semper Meade who was also from monserrat but I don't no the region if anyone has any information on family name Meade of Farrell please get in touch any information would be much apreciated
Alitza Pia
I have to confess that this is a most comprehensive article/information about Montserrat I came across. My husband and I are planning to spend 3 curious months on this special island next spring. I am trying to learn anything and everything I can about the island's people and their culture.
Indeed, it is a very unique little world. A few weeks spent there this year proved the island to be worth to explore much deeper and wider...
We found Montserratians to be very friendly and welcoming. Thank you for sharing the above information with others.
Hi, Reading all these post made me excited about possibly finding my ancestors. i was born in Montserrat but left when when I was 3 years old. my sir name is O"Garro and I would love find out more about my family name and family roots. my grand father was Mas Joe O'Garro and grand mother Mrs. Fannie. her sir name was Norman. please contact me if you have any information.
This site should be more widely publicised. It was an accident that I found it. I grew up in Montserrat which was absolutely beautiful. Children could go to school alone freely and play and walk freely around the island without fear. I remember walking to school from St patricks to Plymouth. I used to walk where I could along the beach and where the beach became dangerous would return to the roads and would walk back home the same way. I remember the nuns used to cook what we called weeble soup and me and my sister used to get bread and cake from the bakery. My favourite was coconut tart a d rough-up and hot french stick. I remember the huge bridge with the sea underneath just before you enter Plymouth. I remember the lush mountain foliage with clear running spring water, where bananas and dasheen grew wild, it was like a garden of Eden with mango trees coconut trees bread fruit trees avocado trees I can go on forever naming all the vegetarian God provided for that tiny little island. Our family was very tight and because of shortage of work and excitement on the island people started to go to neighbouring islands. America and the UK. My aunt Lucie Meade went to live in St. Croix and settle in New Jersey. My mum came to Britain married and her andhher husband sent for me and my sister years later. We stay with our grandmother , which at the time was the done thing. I am sure that there a numerous montserratians who could relate to this. Another thing is that most of islanders are relatef in one way or another. There was a shortage of men and families were matriarchal. So all you people who have next of kin from Montserrat make sure you ask questions . The questions should be are we first cousins or cousins removed?
My 3-times great grandfather, Enoch Ebbert, was born 01 Aug 1803 at Farm, St. Georges, Montserrat. He married Lucinda Lafollete in 1844 in Madison County Indiana USA. Are there any other Ebberts who would perhaps care to share information? Enoch's parents, I believe, were John Ebert and Sarah Cliften. I have found numerous spellings of each of these surnames. Thank you for sharing.
A Gerald
Hello, I am looking into building my family tree, so far its been a bit difficult. My grandparents were Alfred W Gerald born in Cudjoe Head, Saint Peters, Montserrat in 1932 died in 2003 born to Joseph and Margaret Gerald. My grandmother was Florence Eliza (Daley) Gerald a.k.a "Sue" born in Harris Saint Georges Montserrat 1928 died in 1981 and I haven't been able to find the full names of her parents. I know that my grandmother did come from a large family, around 10-12 brothers and sisters. I'm looking for any information on Gerald(s) and Daley(s). I know so far that they were registered in the UK as getting married around 1955 (but they have her last name as Daly), and then they came to Canada in 1957. I do have some relations with a George Harper O'Garro who lives in England he was one of my grandfathers brothers, another brother was Dennis Gerald. I have some distant relations to Allen's as cousins as well. Thanks in advance to any one that may have some information.
Hello my name is Tasheena Sackes-Bramble, my family on my mothers side is from Montserrat as well. this was really informative for me, it really helped me gain some knowledge about my country, thank you! I would also like to find some more information about my family, the Bramble family, so if anyone knows anything please email me at
Hi there, a message for Terese. My Dad is a Molyneaux by his mothers side. His Grandmother was called Louisa Molyneaux by marriage. They lived in St. Kitts but his Grand dad was from Montserrat. Together they had two children: Iris Molyneaux (my grandmother) and Austin Molyneaux. There are still some Molyneaux's in St. Kitts..we are all related.
This is awesome from the article to the comments. I dont know if I will make any new connections, but keeping in the spirit of connecting branches to the family tree here it goes: I'm the great great granddaughter of Alberta "Mum" Roach mother of Margaret "Ms. Ann" Donoghue also known as Margaret Pond who was the mother of Virginia "Virgie" Donoghue later known as Virginia Sebastian. They were from Plymouth Montserrat. Reginald Martin was my great grandfather who was also from Montserrat. Alberta Roach also lived in the South. I'm always interested in my family that proceeded me as well as extended relatives so it's great to add new leaves to my tree. I hope to visit Montserrat next year and can't wait to endulge in some authentic goat water!!
Courtaney Weekes
Hi my name is Courtney Weekes, i found this article whilst researching Montserrat where my grandfather was from. His name was Aubrey Weekes, he was born in 1942 and grew up in baker hill before he moved to London England in 1960. His parents were King Cooper and Isabel Weekes (also known as Aunt bell). My family and i are looking to come to Montserrat in the near future to bring my grandfathers ashes back home where he loved. I don't know if i will find out any more about my family tree through here but it is worth a try!
Nikola Moses
I am seeking information about my family tree, from Montserrat, Tuit's Village. Great grandma Sarah Nana Pointer, Grandma Martha Matilda Pointer/Murrain (Phipps by marriage). My mother Alice Mulraine-Moses was sent to her father in England when she was 10 (Grandad Peter Moses/Matthews/Gumms) and auntie Henrietta Pointer (Hunter by marriage). Please make contact if anything sounds familiar. With thanks
Hey I am half Arawak indian and trying to get contact with my tribal member please email me if you know more info my email is stacdmiller31 @
I have noticed a lot of Daley and Weekes looking for family. I too am a Daley with Weekes in the mix. I have visited in June 2013 to see my cousin the late Big George Daley of Sweeny. I have also met few other relations. My grandfather the late Richard Alexander Daley was born there around 1889 and came to the states by way of Canada to NY in around 19th or 30s.
His father my great grandfather was Henry Daley of Nixon Village who followed him coming to the states in early 1940s. Henry had many, many, many children some who have migrated throughout the Caribbean, Canada, U.S. and U.K. My Grandfather married my grandmother, Matilda Edinborough from St. Kitts, who are also from the McIntosh family.
Family names I do know from my grandfather's siblings are: William, Joseph, Jasper (daughter Frances), George ,these were the siblings who were in NYC. I believe my great grandmother's name was Mary. My father was Richard Nathaniel who left Montserrat as child along with an older sister Adela (Carmen), there was also a younger brother Albert who was born in U.S. and died as a child. Henry had many children as well as multiple mothers for these children. I have come across many Daley from the Caribbean and found them connected in some manner. I have found out some have changed the spelling as well, so just because a Daley doesn't spell it your way, doesn't necessarily mean your not related.
Pamela Riley Bassett- Carmalt
To posters Samuel, M. O'Garro and A. Gerald,

I have Boatswains, O'Garro, and Daly on my family tree. Please feel free to contact me at this email:
My mother and father lived in Montserrat. They left to live in Bethesda, Maryland. After my father's death in 1995, my Mother returned to Montserrat. In 1997, my Mother died. I understand she still has relatives there but I have lost contact. My name is Frank Christopher Ryan. If anyone has information on my family's history or current contact information for my relatives, please contact me at
Hello everyone,

I have found this thread extremely interesting. On my mothers side both her parents are from Montserrat. My grandmothers side is from Long Ground and her maiden name was Ryan (which was her mother's name, however her fathers name was Greer). My great-grandmother Margaret (Greer) Ryan is still alive at 105! so I have reached out to ask her some questions while I still can. My granfathers side is from Cudjoe Head and his surname is Gerald, his father was Nathaniel Gerald and married to Ann Francis Molyneux. I have seen the names Gerald, Ryan and Molyneux mentioned so I wonder if we are related somehow. I have takaen the ancestry DNA test and have been matched to 40+ 3rd and 4th cousins, have any of you taken this test? Maybe I have already been matched to you on ancestry. I anyone has any further questions or information to share please do, it will be so helpful. Thank you, Chantelle
J Mulcare
Hello everyone,

Happy to see that I am not the only one searching to find family history from Montserrat. My father was born in Montserrat and his father's name was Charles Mulcare who used to own a small shop and dance hall in Kinsale. I lived in Montserrat in 1971 or thereabouts and attended school in Plymouth at Mr Piper's academy.
If anyone has any information about the Mulcare family or have heard of Mr Piper's school then I would be grateful to hear from you.
I recently learned that my great grand parents were from the West Indies, not sure which island. My great grand parents names were Henry and Elmira Burnsfield Allen. If you have heard those names please let me know
Tinisha Kennedy
This is a fantastic article. It's so nice to see people connecting. My family are originally from Harris, but I believe moved following the volcanic eruption. My family name is Buffonge. My great grandfather being Fenton Buffonge and my great grandmother Louisa Buffonge. They had 6 children (Alice -my grandmother; Charles; Harry; Florence and another whom I cannot recall). Louisa died in London in 2005 I believe. I do not know when Fenton died. I am very close to my grandmother who lives in London along with her brother Charles. The remaining siblings are based in the USA. I have a dear uncle, Fitzroy Buffonge who still lives in Monsterrat today. If anyone can provide any information for me to add to my family lineage I would be grateful. Regards, Tinisha.
My Fathers last name is Ryan. He's from St. Vincent and the Grenadians. His aunt told him a story that we are originally from Monserrat.
My great aunt said that three brothers with the last name Ryan moved to St. Vincent from Monserrat and lived in different parts of St. Vincent. There are a lot of Ryan's in St. Vincent.

My Grandmother which is my fathers Mother's name was Elizabeth Ryan. I believe that maybe her father was one of the brothers from Monserrat.
In researching my family tree, I found my 4th great grandfather John Long was from Montserrat. He lived from 1752-1817 and in 1780 married Elizabeth Schafer in Washington, Maryland, USA. Is there any place where a census was taken or records of those living in St. Georges? Sounds like a beautiful place.
Thank you for this article. It's full of great information. My grandmother (Susan Corbett - born 1903) lived on Baker's Hill in Montserrat. She had 3 daughters, Mary (moved to the US), Anna, and Jemmie (moved to UK). If anyone has any info, please do share. I also have O'Garro, and Daly on my family tree (not sure how), and I know the name Boatswain (but I think an aunt married a boatswain). Thanks, Brenda
Thanks for presenting this information. Just recently discovered my gg grandfather James Lee originated from Montserrat, BWI (unsure what area). He and his sister Margaret Lee (married Thomas Gerald) immigrated to Harlem,NY in the early-mid 1900s. Their mother was Mary Weekes and father was John Lee. I see a lot of Weekes, Geralds, and Lees all through this comment section. Maybe we can reconnect; it's a high probability we are related given that the island is so small.
Lesley Dolbear
Excellent article, thanks. I am also descended from a Dyer family but unsure of a Montserrat connection. My ancestor was born on Tortola (c1800) but beyond that I have been unable to trace anything. Ten years ago a Joseph Dyer emailed this site regarding his research into the Dyer family of Montserrat. I have also undertaken some research into this family in case my line descends from these Dyers and would love to establish if he is able to help me break down my brickwall. Is there any way I might be able to try and make contact despite the long period of time between communication?
I’m a descendant of Georgina Bramble from Montserrat. I believe that she may have also gone by the name of Millicent. She had one sister and two or three brothers all bearing the Bramble surname. I would like to get to know other Brambles and Bramble descendants with roots or origins in Montserrat to share information. I think it would be good for us to see if we are related and get to know each other. Family reunions on Montserrat or other locations would be a fun way for us to get together. Please feel free to email me even if you are not related but know anything or can contribute in any way to assist me in my search. Email:
I was trying to find more information about the Leee O'Gara family from Monsreratt. I am the granddaughter of William Joseph Lee. I know there several brothers John, Austin not sure of all the names but would like to know more. I know some went to Canada but my grandfather and 3 of his brothers went to New York.
I found this information very useful and it helped me a lot thanks :)
Very interesting article and very interesting comments, my partner is descended from a montserrattian named James Hussey who migrated to Wales, via Martinique at the end of the nineteenth century and married a welsh woman, Alice Morgan ( coincidentally a descendant of Henry Morgan) I don't have the dates. We would both love to find any surviving relatives and have tried through the usual channels with no success, maybe we'll have some luck here.
I'm also researching Dyer and Bramble surnames from Montserrat for my husband's side of our family tree, more specifically Gerard Dyer & Elizabeth Bramble who had couple of children including: Michael, Martin, Julia, Mary, William Henry, possibly James, George (lived in NY) and Anthony (dentist, lived in Jamaica). Feel free to get in touch if you are also researching those names: margot(at)
Jennifer Daly
Hey Everyone,
I loved this article, I am reading up on my family history and loved all the interesting things I have learned about Montserrat. I am a Daly born in Harlem NY, My grandfather migrated to America from Montserrat his name was Irving Daly and his fathers name was Pete Daly. I enjoy meeting my family and am looking into learning more about the Island and our Irish heritage. My great grandmother was a Kirnon who married a Daly so anyone who is of relation please do not hesitate to send me an email at
My last name is Tuitt and I’ve seen a few people on here sharing the same last name and have also seen some common names in which my grandparents possess.. I am really interested in finding out more / more about any long lost relatives I may have .. please do not hesitate to contact me so we can discuss more !
Rowan Welch
Hello All, Thanks for the information. My father was Richard Welch, born Daniel Martin to Henrietta Mulcare and Thomas Welch in 1924. Thomas Welch died in the hurricane of 1924 before my dad was born. Henrietta Mulcare then had four more children - William and Beth Bramble and later, James and David Farrell. My Dad married Ann Edmeade who had a brother William "John Hardy" Edmeade. Ann and William's mother was Mary Meade who married a William Baker. My grandmother, Mary (Meade) Baker was the daughter of John Meade and Margaret Lee. My grandmother had siblings. Their names were Sissy, Esther, Polly, Nel, Tina, Alice (who married Dyer and lives in England) and Daniel Meade (possibly moved to Antigua. I hope someone can use this information as well as help me connect some dots into my ancestry. I, myself, was born on Montserrat but we migrated to Boston, Massachusetts in 1968 when I was 3 and I've never been fortunate enough to return. Our family is the Welch family from Harris. I also know we are somehow related to the O'Garro family. Should anyone have info, feel free to reach out to me at

Thank you and pleased to find all this information
I am searching for any information about three brothers with the last name Ryan who migrated from Montserrat to St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

My great grandmother, (from SVG), was married to one of the brothers.

Any help would be appreciated and I am willing to share what information I have of my Ryan family.

Hi, I am not from Monserrat but my Fiancé is and I would like to surprise her on our wedding day with something that would only be associated with a Monserrat wedding. Any information or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance Simon
Hello All:
I went to Medical School in Montserrat (AUC). As a Jamaican living in the US the vegetation and life style was much like home. I made friends with the citizens in all class levels (Economic, I never refer to people as low or high class but economic status). Margaret lee a Police officer was a good friend of mine. We lost contact over the years. As Caribbean people we didn't realize the paradise we shared.
Hi. I am trying to find some relatives or information for my hubby. His mother was born in 1936, Priscilla Murrain. Her father was Phillip Farrell, her mother, I believe was Martha Greer.
I'm not sure if Thomas Williams and his wife, Sarah (formerly Lee) were on his mothers or fathers side.
Any information would be gratefully received.
Simon "ghost" Riley
This page helped me with my project and told me that there are other countries in the Carribean
Came across this looking for information on my grandma. Matilda Meade that I can remember lived in Montserrat before the volcano took over then migrated to London. Please help if you know of my grandma or the Meade from Montserrat
Simon "ghost" Riley
where is your family from.
we share a last name that it is well known the spelling was changed circa 1850
Contact me for leads on John White(Wyke); married Mary O'Gara(O'Garro) had 8 children - 1.Margaret O'Gara-White(married Willock) children: Diana Willock-Lee, children Mary & John Lee. 2. Elizabeth (Aunt Betsy), 3. Jack White (uncle Marsa) Children: Sarah White-Springer had daughter Helen White-Springer). 4. Christopher White (uncle Keto), children: Mary White and a child with Betsey in Trinidad. 5. Margaret White/Sanders/Skerrit (Tantan) daughter Rita Sanders-Lee. 6. Matthew White born 1869 deceased in U.S. children: Mae, Maud, Edith(married Fenton), Melvina married Fergus, Sam and Tommy. 7. Sarah White married Riley, children: Eleanor & Christopher Riley (Dickie). Eleanor married Applewhite(from Blackrock, Barbados) he had son Anthony Riley. 8. Lydia White(Wyke) children: 1. Mary Alicia Allen, married John Natty Greenaway(daughter Sarah Greenaway (Callender) 2. James Greenaway, 3. Priscilla Barzey, 4. Peter Barzey, 5. Anthony Barzey.
Also, related to Catherine (Cache/Catch) Ryner, Charlotte Ann Ryner-Lewis-Semper-Davis Beatrice Ryner-Lindo, Priscilla Ryner- married John Henry Dyett, Catherine Ryner-Daniels. If anyone is related, please contact me at:
May 15, 2024 @ 6:18 pm
So lovely to see so many Murrain's, Meade's and Brades on the forum. I'm born at raised in the Uk but wanting to visit the mother island very soon. I would love to connect with potential family members.

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